Safeguarding children, young people, adults at risk, from grassroots sports right to the top athletes across the world

Blog by Karen Leach, Safe Sport Advocate

20 November 2019

For every athlete that goes to the Olympics, the dream all started when they were a little boy or girl. There are thousands of children across the world with that same dream. In the past week alone, I have met two children who told me that their dream is to go to the Olympics. I see the joy in their little faces, their belief in themselves and their desire to make their dream come true.   I know what it is like to have that dream at their age.

As adults, it is our responsibility to ensure that all children are kept safe, free from any form of abuse, to enjoy their chosen sports.  We may implement and introduce policies, procedures, audits, rules, guidelines, conferences, training, manuals and research, and may think these will make things better, but please don’t think for one minute that this will stop abuse happening.

Even with all of this in place, abuse is still happening.  Out there in the Real World, the world of children, the world of young people, who are at the football matches, in the swimming pools, on the running tracks, doing gymnastics, all the different sports, in that Real World it is very different, and horrible things are still happening.

As a young child, my dream of swimming for Ireland at the Olympic Games was stolen from me, along with my childhood. The Irish Olympic coach abused me sexual, mentally, emotionally and physically. I have had to fight to stay alive, to be well, I do not want any other young person to ever end up with a life like mine.   I was silenced as a little girl by abuse, I was then silenced by deep hurt, pain, and depression.  

I have found my voice; I will not be silenced again. My Voice is there for every child and young person who cannot speak. My Voice is there for every adult that has not been able to find their voice, I will not let them be forgotten.

People are the athletes, and athletes young and old are the sport.  Without athlete’s sport is nothing.  Athletes have a voice and they have a right to be heard. Sport is for all the boys and girls who have dreams of going to the Olympics.  Allow them their childhood. Allow them the positive things that come with being involved in sport. Allow them to have their dreams but keep them safe in their sport.

Having the opportunity to support Global Athlete is very important to me, I believe it is time for a change in culture and attitude in sport across the world.

As an ambassador of Voices for Truth and Dignity in Europe, I invite you to take a look at the website and the educational resources available

Karen Leach

Safe Sport Advocate

Psychotherapist & Counsellor BA MIACP


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