Australian Field Hockey Athlete Lily Brazel Joins the Global Athlete Team
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27 September 2022: Global Athlete is proud to announce the appointment of former Australian Field Hockey player, Lily Brazel, as its new Program Manager. Lily was a member of the Australian Women’s Field Hockey team, the Hockeyroos, from 2017-2020 capping fifty-two games and claiming silver medals at both the 2018 Champions Trophy and the 2019 inaugural Pro-League. Lily left her career with the Hockeyroos not long before the postponed Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games – her decision came after experiencing the silencing and neglect that so many athletes face.
Upon leaving her career, Lily chose to speak up and pursue legal action on the mismanagement of her mental health and her fellow teammates. Lily wrote an essay about her experience which can be read here - this essay spread far and wide in the sporting community and confirmed that athlete maltreatment is rarely an isolated incident but is so often silenced.
Today, Lily is completing her Masters of Creative Writing after seeing how the power of words and truth has the ability to drive impact, connection and change in the world.
“We are thrilled to have Lily as a part of the Global Athlete team. Lily has lived experience and a unique perspective on the need for enhanced athlete rights. The athlete community will benefit immensely from Lily’s involvement as we strive for an equal partnership between sport organizations and athletes” said Rob Koehler, Global Athlete Director General.
Lily shared, “the essay I wrote back in 2020 was inspired by a quote from Archbishop Desmond Tutu - “There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream and find out why they’re falling in.” At the end of my story I wrote, “I have pulled myself out of the river so that my voice is not silenced like they hoped it would be. I pulled myself out of the river so I could dismantle what is happening upstream.” Two years on, I didn’t think ‘dismantling’ would extend beyond the system of Australian hockey. I fought for myself and the rights of women in my team, I was tired, and I was done with the world of sport. But now here I am, in a job that I love, working every day to dismantle what is happening upstream – and I’m learning there is a lot to be dismantled to protect the voice, rights, power and lives of athletes everywhere.”
Lily will take on several roles with Global Athlete including athlete engagement, media relations and strategic planning.
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