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Open letter to Bobsleigh Canada Skeleton Board of Directors

Dear BCS Board of Directors:

14 March 2022: We received your 9 March 2022 letter and are disappointed with your response. Frankly we are astonished that the Board tasked Sarah Storey to respond to our letter given our calls for her resignation.

Time and time again, Bobsleigh Canada Skeleton (BCS) has controlled the narrative on our complaints and has failed to address the underlying systemic causes of these issues – resulting in further preservation of the status quo. There is a reason why bobsleigh and skeleton athletes have chosen to publicly disclose their physical, mental, emotional, and financial suffering as a result of BCS’ organizational failures. After years of being ignored, belittled, and ridiculed, we have no trust that the current leadership will do anything meaningful to address the toxic culture. 

We are tired of the gaslighting and have lived in silence for too long. Athletes have had meetings, gone through mediation, seen so-called “independent investigations” undertaken, and have been promised resolutions – all which have never resulted in permanent and adequate change or restitution. BCS’ proposal for more meetings and more internal investigations is a reoccurring theme that we cannot accept.  

Your decision to have group mediation with the athletes is outright rejected. Our letter clearly states that BCS has fostered a culture of fear, where it is very difficult for athletes to come forward and openly present their concerns. The fear of retribution from this organization is what has driven many athletes to request anonymity when signing our original letter. Requiring athletes to sit in a room to raise concerns with the very leadership that has repeatedly employed means to subjugate and intimidate them, creates a scenario that directly showcases the concerns outlines in our original letter.  Athletes should never have to fear retribution from the very organization that is meant to protect them.

Furthermore, while we have no direct ill will towards Own the Podium, Sport Canada, the Canadian Olympic Committee or the Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada, these entities are faculties of the Canadian Sport System and therefore, have a perceived vested interest to protect the Canadian sport brand and cannot be seen as independent.

The only way forward is an open, public and transparent approach. We require a truly independent investigation; one that incorporates the experiences of both current and retired athletes, along with a public release of its recommendations and findings – all while protecting athlete anonymity. The selection of any hearing body appointees or independent investigators must be appointed or agreed to by the athletes. This process must commence no later than 15 April 2022.

 “Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal.” We expect our fundamental rights as humans to be fully upheld and respected. We are humans first, athletes second.

Now 80+ athletes strong, we stand resolute by our original call for the immediate resignation of the Bobsleigh Canada Skeleton Board of Directors President, acting Chief Executive Officer, and High- Performance Director. At the very least, these individuals must be placed on immediate leave until the investigation has concluded. We are committed to moving forward in a way that truly puts the athletes first. We believe this is the only path to making meaningful change in this federation and one that will bring us closer to our ultimate goal of creating a safe, positive and performance conducive environment for all Canadian bobsleigh and skeleton athletes for years to come.


82 Bobsleigh Canada Skeleton Athletes, Past & Present (2014-2022)

Copy to: Canadian Olympic Committee, Own the Podium, Sport Canada, Canadian Minister of Sport