Global Athlete

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New Athlete-led Movement for positive change, Global Athlete, today unveils full website following its February 2019 launch 

  • Website launch coincides with the Movement’s Athlete Mobilization Strategy getting underway worldwide 

27 May 2019: The new international athlete-led movement for change in sport, Global Athlete, has today launched its full website as part of its drive to engage and empower the world’s athletes to rally behind transforming the way sport is run.

The site, which launches after three months in the making, highlights the Movement’s goal to promote athlete-led change to growing issues in world sport ranging from athlete welfare, unlocking athletes’ marketing potential, ensuring athletes receive Olympic revenues and better representation at the decision-making table.

With the Movement’s long term objectives set to be defined following the results of the ongoing listening exercise that Global Athlete has begun with the world’s athlete community, the site offers sportsmen and women the opportunity to get up-to-speed on the pressing issues in sports governance, express their views through polls or to learn the latest developments from Global Athlete as it develops.

“With the athlete call for greater representation and meaningful engagement alongside administrators growing fast, our website is a place where we listen to, engage and empower athletes. The site provides athletes the opportunity to gain information on the governance of sport, express their voice and provide meaningful input on issues, and to sign-up as a Supporter of positive change in sport,” said Global Athlete Director General, Rob Koehler. 

“Athletes have begun a journey to balance the scales and put their voice at the heart of decisions that will determine the future of their sports. We hope our website offers the platform they need to express themselves freely, and without judgment, as they continue that journey to change the culture of decision-making in sport,” added Koehler.

The launch of the website coincides with the official commencement of Global Athlete’s mobilization strategy - the ‘listening exercise’ - which is a central part of the Movement’s efforts to hear athletes’ points of view from all countries and all sports, no matter whether they are appointed or elected athletes, part of Commissions or simply individual voices. All athletes’ views will be considered in order to determine the future of Global Athlete as it works to modernize international sport, and bring sports governance into the twenty-first century.


About Global Athlete

Global Athlete is a new international athlete-led movement aiming to inspire and drive change across the world of sport. As a movement run by athletes, for athletes, Global Athlete’s goal is to balance the power between athletes and sporting leaders, and to enable athletes to have their say about the way in which sport is run. Global Athlete aims to change sport for the better and bring it into the twenty-first century by mobilizing athletes, following the recent unprecedented uprising in which athletes have called for enhanced rights and changes to the way sport is governed.

Global Athlete is being funded initially by FairSport along with other individual donors whose desire is to drive change for a better athlete environment. Global Athlete is entirely independent from government, sport and National Anti-Doping Organizations. As such, the funders will have no part in the decision making or operations of the Movement; they have contributed because of their passion for sport and a desire to see improvements to athlete rights across the world of Olympic and non-Olympic Sport.  This will be a movement led by athletes.

Athletes who are passionate about seeing change, and want to start a conversation on how they see the future of sport, are encouraged to sign-up at the Global Athlete website:

Media Information
For more information on Global Athlete, or for any interview requests, please contact Global Athlete Communications Consultant, Ben Nichols:
M:+44 (0) 7555 538475